300 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of flour 0, nutmeg enough, 20 grams of pecorino romano, 1 teaspoon of black pepper
We cook the potatoes in the microwave for 10 minutes without boiling them, otherwise they take a lot of moisture and are not very dry. However, if you don't have a microwave, you can cook the potatoes by wrapping them in aluminum foil and bake them at 250 degrees for 45 minutes or an hour. When they are always hot, they are peeled and crushed with the appropriate tool or with a fork. Once the potatoes have cooled, we begin to incorporate the flour and nutmeg a little at a time, until reaching the right consistency. When the gnocchi dough is ready we prepare the classic "snakes" and start to cut the dumplings of the size we prefer by calculating that when they go into the water to be cooked they will increase their volume. We proceed by grating a little pecorino. We put the gnocchi to cook in abundant boiling water for a few seconds, when they come to the surface and "foam" they will be ready to be removed. In another pan, toast the pepper for a minute to give the dish more flavor; then we insert the gnocchi in the pan with the pepper, sauté for a few seconds, add the cascading pecorino and with the heat off, pour two tablespoons of the cooking water, making the mixture boil continuously. In a few seconds, a spectacular cream of cheese will form in our pan. Serve still and serve hot!