Schools by Region

Things to do in Italy


Iik School Of Languages Ancona

based on what people are looking for (*)
IIK School of Languages Ancona is a well-known language school located in the beautiful city of Ancona, Italy. They offer a wide range of courses for foreign students, with a focus on teaching Italian....continue further down

Schools in Marches in Ancona and vicinity

Language School
inlingua Ancona Ancona
Accommodations: Hotel - B&B
inlingua Ancona è partner di un network mondiale, che da oltre 40 anni, con più di 350 sedi sparse in oltre 44 paesi, è leader nella formazione linguistica a privati e aziende. Ogni anno migliaia... more
Language School
Inlingua Ancona Ancona

Language School
IIKAncona Scuola di Lingue Ancona
Language School
LinguaMia Camerano (Ancona)
Courses: Italian Language, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
LinguaMia is a school of Italian for foreign students willing to learn Italian and enjoy the most typical aspects of the Italian culture (i. E. food and wine, music, art and history). The LinguaMia... more
Language School
Centro Culturale Conero Camerano (Ancona)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Our school organizes Italian language courses for all those people interested not just in learning the language, but also in getting in touch with the culture and daily life of this wonderful... more
see all the Schools in Ancona and in Marches

Iik school of languages ancona

IIK School of Languages Ancona is a well-known language school located in the beautiful city of Ancona, Italy. They offer a wide range of courses for foreign students, with a focus on teaching Italian.

The school is led by native speakers with a University degree, ensuring high-quality instruction. They also provide translation services and organize study trips for their students. The school is situated in the charming town of Camerano, which adds to the overall experience of learning a new language. With a friendly and stimulating learning environment, IIK School of Languages Ancona is a great choice for anyone looking to improve their language skills.
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Courses in Marches in Ancona and vicinity

Italian language for adults
Macerata (MC)
Italiano & Co. - Lingua e Cultura
from: 13 May 2024 Duration: 1 weeks
Small group (max 5 students) Italian language course for adults. Duration: 20 hours. Level A2.Classes are scheduled in the morning to allow students to visit museums and places of interest in the...
Italian language course
Macerata (MC)
Italiano & Co. - Lingua e Cultura
from: 27 May 2024 Duration: 1 weeks
Small group (max 5 students) Italian language course for adults. Duration: 20 hours. Level A2.Classes are scheduled in the morning to allow students to visit museums and places of interest in the...

Italian Language and Culture Course
Recanati (MC)
Scuola Dante Alighieri - Campus L'Infinito RECANATI
from: 6 May 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Italian language and culture course with guided excursion and shared accommodation included in the 4-week package
Language culture
Italian language and culture course - 2 weeks
Recanati (MC)
Scuola Dante Alighieri - Campus L'Infinito RECANATI
from: 6 May 2024 Duration: 2 weeks
Italian language and culture course with guided excursion and shared accommodation included in the 2-week package
Language culture

Italian Cooking Recipes

Short sleeves with artichokes and ham

First, we eliminate the tip of the artichokes into 4 pieces and dissect the remainder, and then cut in very thin strips, then we take the field and divide it into slices and put to rest the artichokes in a bowl of water acidulated with half of... more

Flan di zucchine

To prepare this dish, you need previously sauteed zucchini, 3 tablespoons of cream, 3 eggs, basil, Parmesan cheese, salt and freshly ground pepper We put the zucchini in the blender, then add the cream, three eggs, Parmesan cheese, basil leaves,... more


We first heat in a skillet the ground beef, meanwhile prepare separately: the crumb of the bread into pieces, parsley with a clove of garlic, mortadella into pieces and then we chop in separate steps the various ingredients in a blender and let's... more

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