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Things to do in Italy


Italian Course Bolzano

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All the Upcoming Italian Language, Cooking and Art courses in Italy sorted by area and locality - Italian Course Bolzano...continue further down

Courses in Trentino Alto Adige Sudtirol in Bolzano and vicinity

Schools in Trentino Alto Adige Sudtirol in Bolzano and vicinity

Language School
CILF International Language Center Bologna
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
CILF offers excellence in language consultancy and training with a wide range of high quality language courses for all levels - including preparation for International certification exams. The... more
Language School
Youritalianclass by Rimini Academy Rimini
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
At the moment we offer online courses of Italian, for all levels and individual lessons held in Rimini, in your accommodation or in classroom. Rimini Academy was founded in 1994 and welcomed students... more

Language School
ABC de' Conti - Italian language school Florence
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment
ABC de’ Conti is located in the historic center of Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance. We teach practical daily conversation, useful to live in Italy and to speak with local Italian... more
Language School
Edulingua - Laboratorio di lingua e cultura italiana Castelraimondo (Macerata)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Language School
C.C.I.C. "Piero della Francesca" Poppi (Arezzo)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
The school offers Italian language and culture courses from March through November. The courses are held in the morning, and are supplemented with conversation practice, seminars and excursions in... more
see all the Schools in Bolzano and in Trentino Alto Adige Sudtirol

Italian Cooking Recipes

Italian Pesto

Pesto is one of the most known Italian pasta sauces, with his great flavour. But not everyone knows that it is very easy to prepare. You can choose to make it with mortar and pestle, as the tradition teachs, or if you have just a few time at your... more

Italian appetizer

Often if we have friends for dinner or if we simply want something quick and satisfying and tasty at the same time, this is the appetizer that is right for us! From the outset that the Italian appetizer is made up of salami and cheeses of various... more

Bucatini amatriciana

The Amatriciana or matriciana is a typical dish of the Italian tradition, known and appreciated in every region. The name comes from Amatrice, a town in the province of Rieti. The main ingredients are guanciale (jowl bacon), pecorino cheese and... more

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