Schools by Region

Things to do in Italy


Free Italian Courses In Turin

based on what people are looking for (*)
In Turin, there are several options for free or affordable Italian language courses. Centro Interculturale offers free Italian courses for longer stays in the city....continue further down

Courses in Piedmont in Turin and vicinity

Standard Courses (from A1 to C1)
Torino (TO)
L'Italiano Porticando
from: 6 May 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Standard courses are Italian language courses in groups of 5 to 8 people, suitable for all levels of knowledge (from beginners to advanced). We offer 15 and 20 hours/week courses lasting from minimum...
Standard Courses (from A1 to C1)
Torino (TO)
L'Italiano Porticando
from: 3 June 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Standard courses are Italian language courses in groups of 5 to 8 people, suitable for all levels of knowledge (from beginners to advanced). We offer 15 and 20 hours/week courses lasting from minimum...

Standard Courses (from A1 to C1)
Torino (TO)
L'Italiano Porticando
from: 2 September 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Standard courses are Italian language courses in groups of 5 to 8 people, suitable for all levels of knowledge (from beginners to advanced). We offer 15 and 20 hours/week courses lasting from minimum...
Standard Courses (from A1 to C1)
Torino (TO)
L'Italiano Porticando
from: 1 July 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Standard courses are Italian language courses in groups of 5 to 8 people, suitable for all levels of knowledge (from beginners to advanced). We offer 15 and 20 hours/week courses lasting from minimum...
Standard Courses (from A1 to C1)
Torino (TO)
L'Italiano Porticando
from: 29 July 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Standard courses are Italian language courses in groups of 5 to 8 people, suitable for all levels of knowledge (from beginners to advanced). We offer 15 and 20 hours/week courses lasting from minimum...

Free italian courses in turin

In Turin, there are several options for free or affordable Italian language courses. Centro Interculturale offers free Italian courses for longer stays in the city.

Italian Virtual School provides both online and onsite courses for foreigners. The University of Turin offers Italian language courses throughout the academic year. Additionally, there are various schools, organizations, and associations in Turin that organize Italian courses for all levels, some of which are free. L'Italiano Porticando is a family-run school located in a historic building in the city center. Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is another reputable language school in Turin. There are also options to learn Italian through language learning apps like Duolingo. Overall, there are plenty of opportunities to learn Italian in Turin, catering to different budgets and preferences.
Questo paragrafo è stato generato da sistemi AI sulla base di fonti esterne, non è detto che trattino di strutture ricettive presenti in questo portale e in certi casi potrebbero dimostrarsi non accurate o non corrette (da qui puoi consultare le fonti). Aggiornato il 25/08/2023.

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Schools in Piedmont in Turin and vicinity

Language School
NaCLIPS Naples
Accommodations: Apartment
NaCLIPS - Italian Culture and Language For Foreigners in Naples promotes the development and teaching of Italian language and culture through its educational and cultural activities. Our highly... more
Language School
il Centro di lingua e cultura italiana per stranieri Milan
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
If you are looking to learn Italian in Milan, Il Centro is an Italian language school for foreigners that has two decades of experience in organizing Italian language courses for foreigners. Since... more

Language School
Centro Culturale Conero Camerano (Ancona)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Our school organizes Italian language courses for all those people interested not just in learning the language, but also in getting in touch with the culture and daily life of this wonderful... more
Language School
ELLCI - Milano Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana Milan
Courses: Italian Language, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
ELLCI is a School of Italian Language and Culture for foreigners located in Milan, specialized in italian language courses for foreign students of every nationality. Our courses of Italian for... more
Language School
Studio Italiano Tropea - Centro di Lingua e Cultura Italiana Tropea (Vibo-Valentia)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art, Restoration, Photography
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Studio Italiano is an Italian language and cultural school for foreigners, situated in the center of Tropea, just a few steps from Piazza Vittorio Veneto. The school, founded in 2002,is medium size... more
see all the Schools in Turin and in Piedmont

Italian Cooking Recipes

Italian Pesto

Pesto is one of the most known Italian pasta sauces, with his great flavour. But not everyone knows that it is very easy to prepare. You can choose to make it with mortar and pestle, as the tradition teachs, or if you have just a few time at your... more

Spaghetti with roses

Choose the roses; they should be preferrably pink. Take the petals and clean them gently with a damp towel, cut them in thin slices and keep aside 6 whole petals. Cut the ham into small cubes. Stir fry the onion with some butter, add the ham, fry it... more

Bucatini amatriciana

The Amatriciana or matriciana is a typical dish of the Italian tradition, known and appreciated in every region. The name comes from Amatrice, a town in the province of Rieti. The main ingredients are guanciale (jowl bacon), pecorino cheese and... more

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