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Dante Alighieri Language Schools In Udine

based on what people are looking for (*)
Dante Alighieri Language Schools in Udine offer Italian language courses for foreigners. These schools are recognized institutes of formal training and are qualified to issue certificates stating the knowledge and command of the Italian language....continue further down

Schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia in Udine and vicinity

Language School
MB International Summer Camp Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine)
Accommodations: Hotel - B&B
MB offers the opportunity to study Italian or English. The staff have relevant experience and recognised industry qualifications. As other staff members run the sports and leisure program, the... more
Language School
Comitato Dante Alighieri Mondavio (Pesaro-Urbino)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
In this suggestive ledge, our school Dante Alighieri Comitato di Mondavio was founded in 1994 and has more than 15 years experience teaching Italian language and culture to foreign students of any... more

Language School
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma Rome
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
The Rome Language Centre of the Dante Alighieri school was founded in 1994 and specialises in the teaching and learning of Italian language for foreign students. CLIDA Rome offers language and... more
Language School
Scuola Dante Alighieri - Campus L'Infinito RECANATI Recanati (Macerata)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Come to Scuola Dante Alighieri Campus L'Infinito to experience total immersion in Italian language and culture! Study in Recanati, a Medieval and quiet town far from the tourist routes and discover... more
Language School
Dante Alighieri, comitato di Siena Siena
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
In our school it is possible to attend: Italian language courses (lessons are full 60 minutes and not 45 like others), Culture Courses (on-site lessons to museums, places of interest, conferences,... more
see all the Schools in Udine and in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Dante alighieri language schools in udine

Dante Alighieri Language Schools in Udine offer Italian language courses for foreigners. These schools are recognized institutes of formal training and are qualified to issue certificates stating the knowledge and command of the Italian language.

The courses are designed to help students obtain PLIDA certification, which is a recognized certification for Italian language proficiency. The schools draw on many years of experience in teaching Italian to non-native learners and offer a wide range of Italian language and culture courses. They also offer courses for students and teachers as part of their global education program. The schools are located in the old town center of Udine, providing a rich cultural and historical environment for learning.
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Courses in Friuli Venezia Giulia in Udine and vicinity

Italian Cooking Recipes

Short sleeves with artichokes and ham

First, we eliminate the tip of the artichokes into 4 pieces and dissect the remainder, and then cut in very thin strips, then we take the field and divide it into slices and put to rest the artichokes in a bowl of water acidulated with half of... more

Flan di zucchine

To prepare this dish, you need previously sauteed zucchini, 3 tablespoons of cream, 3 eggs, basil, Parmesan cheese, salt and freshly ground pepper We put the zucchini in the blender, then add the cream, three eggs, Parmesan cheese, basil leaves,... more


We first heat in a skillet the ground beef, meanwhile prepare separately: the crumb of the bread into pieces, parsley with a clove of garlic, mortadella into pieces and then we chop in separate steps the various ingredients in a blender and let's... more

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