Schools by Region

Things to do in Italy


Coquis Roma

based on what people are looking for (*)
Coquis Roma is a highly regarded cooking school located in Rome, Italy. It is considered one of the best culinary schools in the city and offers structured courses on Italian cuisine....continue further down

Schools in Italy

Language School
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma Rome
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
The Rome Language Centre of the Dante Alighieri school was founded in 1994 and specialises in the teaching and learning of Italian language for foreign students. CLIDA Rome offers language and... more
Language School
Istituto Dante Alighieri Roma Rome

Language School
Leonardo da Vinci Roma Rome
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment
The Scuola Leonardo da Vinci is situated in the centre of Rome, in the pedestrian area, halfway from the astounding Piazza Navona, Castel S. Angelo and St. Peter Basilica. This area, typically Roman,... more
Language School
Italian College Roma Rome
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
We offer intensive Italian language courses. Courses can be individual or in a group to study the Italian Language. We can guide you to obtain the relevant CELI certification that you need for your... more
Language School
inlingua Roma Rome
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
inlingua is one of the world's leading language training organizations with 337 language centers in 39 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South America. Millions of private clients and... more
see all the Schools

Coquis roma

Coquis Roma is a highly regarded cooking school located in Rome, Italy. It is considered one of the best culinary schools in the city and offers structured courses on Italian cuisine.

With its state-of-the-art professional kitchens, experimental food labs, and a shop filled with cutting-edge culinary gadgets, Coquis provides a culinary paradise for aspiring chefs. The school offers a variety of courses for both professional chefs and amateur cooking enthusiasts. It is renowned for its excellence in culinary education and is ranked among the top ten cooking schools worldwide. Foreign students are also welcome to join the courses, which include Italian language instruction. Coquis is located at Via Flaminia in Rome and is known for shaping the chefs of tomorrow through their exceptional courses.
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Courses in Italy

Italian language course for foreigners
Roma (RM)
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma
from: 2 September 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Italian language & culture course (group, max 12 students) for all levels, from beginner to advanced, 2,3 or 4 hours a day (from Monday to Friday)
Italian language course for foreigners
Roma (RM)
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma
from: 30 September 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Italian language & culture course (group, max 12 students) for all levels, from beginner to advanced, 2,3 or 4 hours a day (from Monday to Friday)

Italian language course for foreigners
Roma (RM)
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma
from: 28 October 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Italian language & culture course (group, max 12 students) for all levels, from beginner to advanced, 2,3 or 4 hours a day (from Monday to Friday)
Italian language course for foreigners
Roma (RM)
Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri Roma
from: 25 November 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Italian language & culture course (group, max 12 students) for all levels, from beginner to advanced, 2,3 or 4 hours a day (from Monday to Friday)
Roma (RM)
from: 28 September 2024 Duration: 8 hours
The basics of pastry shop dedicated to gluten free and lactose free
Professional Cooking

Italian Cooking Recipes

Short sleeves with artichokes and ham

First, we eliminate the tip of the artichokes into 4 pieces and dissect the remainder, and then cut in very thin strips, then we take the field and divide it into slices and put to rest the artichokes in a bowl of water acidulated with half of... more

Flan di zucchine

To prepare this dish, you need previously sauteed zucchini, 3 tablespoons of cream, 3 eggs, basil, Parmesan cheese, salt and freshly ground pepper We put the zucchini in the blender, then add the cream, three eggs, Parmesan cheese, basil leaves,... more


We first heat in a skillet the ground beef, meanwhile prepare separately: the crumb of the bread into pieces, parsley with a clove of garlic, mortadella into pieces and then we chop in separate steps the various ingredients in a blender and let's... more

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