Schools by Region

Things to do in Italy


Reggio Lingua

based on what people are looking for (*)
Reggio Lingua è un centro linguistico specializzato nell'insegnamento della lingua e della cultura italiana per stranieri di tutte le nazionalità ed età. Situato a Reggio Emilia, una città accogliente al di fuori dei circuiti turistici, la scuola offre corsi flessibili e adattabili alle esigenze di ogni studente....continue further down

Schools in Emilia Romagna in Reggio Emilia and vicinity

Language School
Reggio Lingua Reggio Emilia (Reggio-Emilia)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Reggio Lingua is a specialized language center for teaching Italian language and culture to people of all ages and nationalities. It is authorized centre for CELI exams. We organize Italian courses... more
Language School
Lingue&Culture Reggio Emilia (Reggio-Emilia)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
The language school "Lingue & Culture s. R.l. ", located in the heart of prosperous and industrious city of Reggio Emilia, offers courses of Italian and Italian culture to foreigners, held by... more

Language School
The Bertrand Russell Corporation Rimini
Courses: Italian Language, Art
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
Founded in the UK in the early 50s the Bertrand Russell Corporation has been working in Italy since the 70s, through the Department of Education, mainly in the field of research and experimentation,... more
Language School
Youritalianclass by Rimini Academy Rimini
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
At the moment we offer online courses of Italian, for all levels and individual lessons held in Rimini, in your accommodation or in classroom. Rimini Academy was founded in 1994 and welcomed students... more
Language School
Tiberius International School Rimini
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Tiberius International is an italian school based in Rimini since 1994.Recognized by the Ministry of Education, it is also a centre for Ditals certification accredited by the University of Siena for... more
see all the Schools in Reggio Emilia and in Emilia Romagna

Reggio lingua

Reggio Lingua è un centro linguistico specializzato nell'insegnamento della lingua e della cultura italiana per stranieri di tutte le nazionalità ed età. Situato a Reggio Emilia, una città accogliente al di fuori dei circuiti turistici, la scuola offre corsi flessibili e adattabili alle esigenze di ogni studente.

Oltre ai corsi di gruppo settimanali, Reggio Lingua organizza anche corsi di cucina italiana e varie attività di tempo libero, come pranzi con gli insegnanti e visite a produttori locali di Parmigiano Reggiano e aceto balsamico. Inoltre, la scuola accoglie gruppi di studenti universitari e liceali per soggiorni linguistici di una o più settimane, offrendo sistemazioni presso famiglie locali attentamente selezionate. La scuola fa parte della rete "Diritto di Parola" e organizza anche corsi gratuiti di lingua italiana per stranieri.
Questo paragrafo è stato generato da sistemi AI sulla base di fonti esterne, non è detto che trattino di strutture ricettive presenti in questo portale e in certi casi potrebbero dimostrarsi non accurate o non corrette (da qui puoi consultare le fonti). Aggiornato il 15/11/2023.

Courses in Emilia Romagna in Reggio Emilia and vicinity

Reggio Emilia (RE)
Reggio Lingua
from: 6 May 2024 Duration: 2 months
20 hours per week from Monday to Friday. Programme: pronunciation, first elements of language structure, spelling, some readings and dictations, elementary compositions, very simple conversations,...
Reggio Emilia (RE)
Reggio Lingua
from: 29 April 2024 Duration: 8 weeks
10 hours per week from Monday to Friday. Program: elements of language structure, reading and dictation elementary level, short compositions, conversation on every-day matters in shops and offices...

Reggio Emilia (RE)
Reggio Lingua
from: 2 April 2024 Duration: 3 months
This cours focus on various aspects of Italian history, culture, society, and linguistics. Are included topics such as: the Italian Cinema and Theater, Italian Literature, Art History and the...
Reggio Emilia (RE)
Reggio Lingua
from: 6 May 2024 Duration: 3 months
Programme: enable you to interact with a native speaker without high difficulty in formal and informal situations. Allow you to understand the fundamental ideas of complex texts that address real and...
Language culture
Reggio Emilia (RE)
from: 21 May 2024 Duration: 5 months
VEGAN ACADEMY offers you a real path to build a SUCCESSFUL FUTURE. With a VEGAN ACADEMY course you will be able to acquire all the notions to become a real CHEF, or a real VEGAN PASTRY CHEF. With the...
Professional Cooking

Italian Cooking Recipes

Reggio Emilia Rice Cake

RECIPE VERY SIMPLE AND VERY GOOD. Put the milk, rice and vanilla bean in a saucepan and bring to a boil with the zest of a lemon and a pinch of salt. Allow to cool and remove the vanilla bean and lemon rind. Aside mix together with a fork 5 egg... more

Short sleeves with artichokes and ham

First, we eliminate the tip of the artichokes into 4 pieces and dissect the remainder, and then cut in very thin strips, then we take the field and divide it into slices and put to rest the artichokes in a bowl of water acidulated with half of... more

Flan di zucchine

To prepare this dish, you need previously sauteed zucchini, 3 tablespoons of cream, 3 eggs, basil, Parmesan cheese, salt and freshly ground pepper We put the zucchini in the blender, then add the cream, three eggs, Parmesan cheese, basil leaves,... more

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