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Things to do in Italy


Italian Courses Aosta

based on what people are looking for (*)
All the Upcoming Italian Language, Cooking and Art courses in Italy sorted by area and locality - Italian Courses Aosta...continue further down

Courses in Aosta Valley in Aosta and vicinity

Schools in Aosta Valley in Aosta and vicinity

Language School
Inlingua Velletri Velletri (Rome)
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Language School
ES Training & Consulting Casale Monferrato (Alessandria)
Learn Italian your way, starting from your needs and passions; build your own course and choose from group or 1to1 lessons, choose the time of the day, the lenth of your course and the type of... more

Language School
Europass Italian Language School Florence
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment
Europass is the most vibrant and joyful Italian language school in Florence! Its cosy atmosphere, the friendly and informal teaching style and being surrounded by friends from all over the world... more
Language School
inlingua Ancona Ancona
Accommodations: Hotel - B&B
inlingua Ancona è partner di un network mondiale, che da oltre 40 anni, con più di 350 sedi sparse in oltre 44 paesi, è leader nella formazione linguistica a privati e aziende. Ogni anno migliaia... more
Language School
GAIA Institute La Maddalena (Olbia Tempio)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art, Restoration, Photography
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Gaia Institute is located in the waterfront of La Maddalena historic centre in the distinguished building known as Palazzo Grondona. The GAIA experience allows to develop an integrate process of... more
see all the Schools in Aosta and in Aosta Valley

Italian Cooking Recipes

Italian Pesto

Pesto is one of the most known Italian pasta sauces, with his great flavour. But not everyone knows that it is very easy to prepare. You can choose to make it with mortar and pestle, as the tradition teachs, or if you have just a few time at your... more

Spaghetti with roses

Choose the roses; they should be preferrably pink. Take the petals and clean them gently with a damp towel, cut them in thin slices and keep aside 6 whole petals. Cut the ham into small cubes. Stir fry the onion with some butter, add the ham, fry it... more

Bucatini amatriciana

The Amatriciana or matriciana is a typical dish of the Italian tradition, known and appreciated in every region. The name comes from Amatrice, a town in the province of Rieti. The main ingredients are guanciale (jowl bacon), pecorino cheese and... more

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