Schools by Region

Things to do in Italy


Is There Free Language Training School In Milan

based on what people are looking for (*)
In Milan, there are several options for free language training schools. The Language Centre of the University of Milan SLAM offers free Italian language courses to international students....continue further down

Schools in Lombardy in Milan and vicinity

Language School Milan
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Our school is located in the heart of the city, very close to Piazza Duomo. It is well served by the subway (MM1 – MM3 Duomo). A friendly welcome, coffee breaks and social activities give our... more
Language School
Language Point Milan
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
The new legal and operative office of Language Point is found in the heart of Milan’s commercial centre. It is situated in a park-like square just steps away from the famously chaotic shopping area... more

Language School
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Istituto Dante Alighieri began its activity in in 1923 and, throughout the years, it has become a worldwide and well-known institution. The school is located in the heart of the city, within easy... more
Language School
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
THE SCHOOL SPAZIOLINGUA is a new school for foreigners that teaches Italian language and culture located in the historic centre of Milan that was conceived by a team of dedicated linguistic... more
Language School
Oxfordcentre International Academy Milan
see all the Schools in Milan and in Lombardy

Is there free language training school in milan

In Milan, there are several options for free language training schools. The Language Centre of the University of Milan SLAM offers free Italian language courses to international students.

There are also four language schools in Milan that offer free courses. The Municipality of Milan provides free Italian language courses for individuals who want to learn or improve their Italian skills. Additionally, the italiana language course of Abarekà Nandree onlus offers places for enrollment. The cost of these courses is subsidized by the City of Milan to give non-Italians the opportunity to learn. Overall, there are various options available for individuals looking for free language training schools in Milan.
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Courses in Lombardy in Milan and vicinity

Professional Pizza Chef Course
Milano (MI)
Accademia Italiana Chef
from: 16 April 2024 Duration: 3 months
PIZZA MAKING COURSE IN MILAN - PROFESSIONAL TRAINING - Access requirements: Major age (+18) and passion for pizza. - Teachers: Master Pizza Chefs with national recognition - Duration: 250 hours |...
Professional Cooking
Italian Standard 20 course
Milano (MI)
ELLCI - Milano Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
from: 2 April 2024 Duration: 6 weeks
The intensive Italian course in Milan offers the perfect combination of study at school and extra activities to get to know the city. Stating date for beginners: 4 March & April 2,2024 For the...

Italian Standard 20 course
Milano (MI)
ELLCI - Milano Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
from: 6 May 2024 Duration: 6 weeks
The intensive Italian course in Milan offers the perfect combination of study at school and extra activities to get to know the city. Stating date for beginners: 4 March & April 2,2024 For the other...
Italian language evening course
Milano (MI)
ELLCI - Milano Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
from: 2 April 2024 Duration: 12 weeks
Italian language evening course, from 2 April Evening Italian course, four lessons twice a week The evening Italian course in Milan is designed for those who are busy during the day, consists of...
Italian language evening course
Milano (MI)
ELLCI - Milano Scuola di Lingua e Cultura Italiana
from: 6 May 2024 Duration: 12 weeks
Italian language evening course, from 2 April Evening Italian course, four lessons twice a week The evening Italian course in Milan is designed for those who are busy during the day, consists of two...

Italian Cooking Recipes

Greedy asparagus

Start this tasty appetizer by cleaning the asparagus: cut the most woody end and with a potato peeler remove the outer part of the remaining stem which is more fibrous. Now lay the asparagus in the steamer basket and cook for 3 minutes. Heat a grill... more

Chocolate cake

This cake is really very very quick to prepare and the result is truly amazing! Let's begin! In a large bowl we put the eggs, the seed oil and mix. Then add the milk, the granulated sugar, the grated orange peel, the flour and the bitter cocoa and... more

Spaghetti with fisherman

Heat the oil in a pan with a whole clove of garlic and add the mussels. Cover the pan with a lid and wait for the mussels to open. Once opened, peel them and add the filtered sauce. If you want, you can leave whole a couple of small mussels in order... more

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