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Things to do in Italy


Free Italian School In Molise

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Schools in Molise

Language School
Libera Accademia Italiana Agnone (Isernia)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
The Italian Academy “Atene del Sannio” aims to combine the study of language with the Italian culture in its complete meaning. In addition to the Language Culture & History courses, we also give... more
Language School
Versilia Italian School Pietrasanta (Lucca)
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
Versilia Italian School offers private tutors for at home and on line individual courses. The teaching method is based mainly on the conversation – communication, without overlooking grammar, which... more

Language School
Italian Virtual School Turin
Accommodations: Host Family
Italian Virtual School is an Italian Language School based in Turin. The Schools was born as an Online School of Italian and now provides Online and Onsite Italian Courses. In particular we provide... more
Language School
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
School sicilia its staff organizes Italian Language Courses for foreigners in Sicily in Palermo. Nowadays lots of people choose to learn Real Italian while having a Cultural Vacation/Study Trip in... more
Language School
Babilonia Italian language school Taormina (Messina)
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
The Italian language school in Taormina, Sicily, offers study Italian classes from one week up to one year; and with the Italian language courses, the language students can also attend a program of... more
see all the Schools in Molise

Courses in Molise

Italian Cooking Recipes

Italian Pesto

Pesto is one of the most known Italian pasta sauces, with his great flavour. But not everyone knows that it is very easy to prepare. You can choose to make it with mortar and pestle, as the tradition teachs, or if you have just a few time at your... more

Greedy asparagus

Start this tasty appetizer by cleaning the asparagus: cut the most woody end and with a potato peeler remove the outer part of the remaining stem which is more fibrous. Now lay the asparagus in the steamer basket and cook for 3 minutes. Heat a grill... more

Italian appetizer

Often if we have friends for dinner or if we simply want something quick and satisfying and tasty at the same time, this is the appetizer that is right for us! From the outset that the Italian appetizer is made up of salami and cheeses of various... more

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