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English Language Schools In Basilicata Italy

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The Best Schools in Italy for foreign students, Italian Courses, Cooking Courses, Art Courses - English Language Schools In Basilicata Italy...continue further down

Schools in Basilicata

Language School
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
“ L’Italiano – Language in Italy” Italian language and culture school founded in Rome in 1971 with the name “ The Quantock Institute “ of language. Over the years it has become famous for... more
Language School
A Door to Italy Genoa
Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Photography
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Italian language courses at any level, from beginners (A1) to advance (C2), available all year round. We offer intensive, long-term courses, different cultural programs and preparatory courses to... more

Language School
English Studio Verona
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
Your school of foreign languages and computer science! We are near Verona, the town of love and art! Since 1990 we have organized courses of English, French, German, Spanish, Spanish, sede l’esame... more
Language School Milan
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Our school is located in the heart of the city, very close to Piazza Duomo. It is well served by the subway (MM1 – MM3 Duomo). A friendly welcome, coffee breaks and social activities give our... more
Language School
Language Academy Cesena (Forli-Cesena)
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Language Academy organizes Italian language courses for foreigners. During these programs not only is the acquisition of the language and the understanding of our culture encouraged, but there is... more
see all the Schools in Basilicata

Courses in Basilicata

Italian Cooking Recipes

English soup

Let's start heating the milk in a saucepan. Then add the cream. With a knife we get the vanilla pulp and the pod we infuse it into the milk. In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar, adding the vanilla. Then we combine the sifted starch and a... more

Short sleeves with artichokes and ham

First, we eliminate the tip of the artichokes into 4 pieces and dissect the remainder, and then cut in very thin strips, then we take the field and divide it into slices and put to rest the artichokes in a bowl of water acidulated with half of... more

Flan di zucchine

To prepare this dish, you need previously sauteed zucchini, 3 tablespoons of cream, 3 eggs, basil, Parmesan cheese, salt and freshly ground pepper We put the zucchini in the blender, then add the cream, three eggs, Parmesan cheese, basil leaves,... more

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